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What Does Warm and Cool Colors Mean

One group of colors in the color wheel is associated with the sun, warmth and fire. These colors are called warm colors since they evoke warm feelings in people. Yellow, red, orange and different shades of these colors are warm colors. The wavelengths of these colors are long and these are easily noticed, lively colors.

Another group of colors in the color wheel, on the other hand, is considered to consist of cool colors. These colors leave a cold effect on people. Green, blue, purple and shades of these colors are cool colors.

Colors can cause mood changes, the feeling of warmth or coolness, altered perception of largeness or smallness in terms of volume as well as differences in perception of distances.

Warm colors are at the forefront.
These are the colors of preference for calm, timid children of low energy.
(Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
Warm colors are preferred by preschool children.
(Engelbrecht, 2003)

Cool colors on the other hand are usually in the background.
These are appropriate for use where highly energetic, hyperactive children are concerned.
(Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
These colors are preferred by students in secondary education and high school.
(Engelbrecht, 2003)

Warm colors create a cozy and energetic atmosphere in places where they are used.

To create a calming and comforting effect you must opt for cool colors.

Warm Colors

Yellow attracts attention and is a source of light. It is used to issue warnings when used in combination with black. It has charm. It is in the range to which the eye is the most sensitive in the spectrum. It stimulates the brain and increases brain activity as well as perception. It proves beneficial in achieving concentration, focusing on work and remembering information.

It is a color associated with happiness, enjoyment and entertainment. (Mahnke, Meerwein, and Rodeck, 2007)
This is a color that has a favorable effect on children with asthma and breathing problems. (Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
It is the color that is most favored by children aged 7. (Terwogt & Hoeksma, 2001)
The color yellow was associated with honesty in a study conducted with elementary school senior class students. (Karp&Karp, 1988)
It is the color that is the most bright and radiant among all others. When used in abundance, yellow may disturb the eyes and could cause uneasiness and nervousness. (Morton, 1988)

Red, as a dominant color, is a signal for alarm as it attracts attention first among all stimuli. Objects in red seem closer than objects in other colors.

Red is in the longest wavelength and its emotional impact is the highest.
It evokes feelings of excitement and happiness psychologically. (Boyatzis&Varghese, 1993)
It increases blood pressure, as well as breathing, heart rate and sense of smell. (Engelbrecht, 2003)
It especially evokes positive feelings in girls. It is one of the colors that is most preferred by children aged 7. (Terwogt & Hoeksma, 2001)
The color red was associated with love, anger and pain in a study conducted with elementary school senior class students. (Karp&Karp, 1988)
It is a color associated with sports due to being linked to power and strength. It can be used in sports related areas.
Due to being an energetic, action-inducing color, it helps emotions to surface and motivates taking action.
Although it is an energetic and stimulating color, its use in excess could lead to uneasiness, anger and discomfort. It is not suitable for use as a wall color in classrooms.

Orange is an appetite-improving and entertaining color.

It has a revitalizing, boosting effect. (Torrice &Logrippo, 1989)
It is the favorite color of children in the 5-8 age group. (Khalili, 2010)
It has an effect on introverted children with problems in socializing. (Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
It is a positive and optimistic color that keeps morale high.
It affects critical thinking skills and memory positively. (Khalili, 2010)

Cool Colors

Blue is a rational color. It enhances concentration. It also helps the development of the decision making mechanism. (Mahnke, Meerwein, and Rodeck, 2007).

It is associated with deep thinking and meditation. (Grangaard, 1993)
It is linked to attention, reading and vitality. (Morton, 1998)
It is related to feelings of security and safety.
It is the favorite color of children in the 7-11 age group. (Terwogt &Hoeksma, 2001)
Children with hearing and visual impairment prefer the color blue. (Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
It slows down the heart rate and breathing as it has a calming effect. (Engelbrecht, 2003)
It lowers body temperature. (Morton, 1998)
It reduces appetite. (Walker, 1991; Morton, 1998)
The color blue was associated with sadness in a study conducted with elementary school senior class students. (Karp&Karp, 1988)

Green is associated with feelings of security, relief and relaxation.

It stimulates the mind both emotionally and logically. (Mahnke, Meerwein, and Rodeck, 2007)
Green is the predominant color in nature. It is a combination of yellow with connotations of happiness and joy on one end of the spectrum and blue that is in the shorter spectrum and linked with peace and calmness. It is the color of flora. (Grangaard, 1993)
It is related to the vocal cords. It affects developing language skills. (Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
It is the color that is the most soothing on the eyes.
It has an impact on reaching correct decisions.
Due to the fact that it emits a soft level energy, its use in artistic activities, dancing and cooking schools is appropriate.
Its use in language laboratories and creative activities helps learning.

Purple supports non-verbal activities.

It can be used in drama rooms. (Torrice & Logrippo, 1989)
It is not a color that is generally preferred in schools.
Its excessive use may lead to over thinking and fear in children.

What Does Warm and Cool Colors Mean
